IRIS Instruments

Processing Software

Resistivity, Induced polarisation software :

For the Syscal & Elrec Terra


Prosys III

Resistivity data management, updated for 3D acquisition

Electre Pro

2D/3D Sequence management for Multi-Electrode units


Real time display of apparent resistivity pseudo section and data quality control

IRIS Updater

Update the Syscal / Elrec Terra firmware

Monitoring Terra

Create scripts for monitoring with the Syscal Terra

Fullwave Viewer II

Visualize and reprocess timeseries recorded with the Syscal or Elrec Terra

For other systems


Prosys III

Resistivity data management, updated for 3D acquisition

Prosys II

Resistivity data management

Electre Pro

2D/3D Sequence management for Multi-Electrode units

Electre II

2D/3D Sequence management for old Multi-Electrode units


Real time display of apparent resistivity pseudo section and data quality control

Comsys Pro

Remote control and data management


FullWave Viewer is a software allowing to transfer, display and process a time series IP data


FullWave Designer is a software allowing to create a survey design


Remote control Acquisition for continuous marine or land  survey

Matlab scripts

Fast reading of IAB and VMN FullWaver files and of BIN files from Matlab


cables control box management


Android App to visualize data from Syscal pro / Elrec
available on Google Play store


Android App to locate and store the FullWaver position

Electromagnetic software :



Promis data management


TVLF data management

Proton Magnetic Resonance software :



Acquisition for Numis Plus / Lite


Acquisition for Numis Poly
( include interpretation software Samovar )

Interpretation Software 

Resistivity / Induced Polarisation



2D resistivity and IP inversion


ERTLab Studio

3D resistivity and IP inversion



3D resistivity and IP inversion



1D electrical sounding inversion



Tool box for 2D DC and DC-IP measurements



1D interpretation

Proton Magnetic Resonance



Compute NMR sensitivity matrix for Samovar & Samogon

Samovar 6x7 (free)

A free version of Samovar with user's guide (including linear filter computation, foward modeling, inverse modeling and Hydrus converter)



USB Driver

driver for iris usb link

USB tools

IRIS USB tools (check and configure usb port)



Prosys II

The PROSYS II software is a program allowing to transfer, edit, process and export resistivity and chargeability data of the IRIS Instruments resistivity-meters (SYSCAL) and IP receivers (ELREC).

The main functions of the PROSYS II software are the following ones:

● Data download
● Numeric and graphic presentation (raw parameters, resistivity, chargeability,…)
● Processing (filter on threshold values, apply a sliding or median average, reject a node, reject the
gapfiller quadripoles, create a batch file with a specific filtering to apply to a set of files,…)
● Topography insertion
● Plot of the apparent resistivity and chargeability sections
● Export to various formats (″txt″, Res2dinv,…) and visualization of the exported files

Electre Pro

Electre Pro

The ELECTRE Pro software is a program allowing to create some 2D-3D-surface/boreholes sequences of measurement for IRIS Instruments SYSCAL Pro-Switch resistivity-meters.

The ELECTRE Pro software allows to create automatically (accounting an estimated maximum investigation depth, user specified) or manually, some sequences of measurements with many possibilities:
● Use of any type of standard electrode arrays (dipole-dipole, reciprocal Schlumberger-Wenner, poledipole forward & reverse, cross diagonal pole-pole …)
● Definition of the levels of investigation with the possibility of multi-spacing configuration for data quality improvement
● Optimization of sequences for higher acquisition speed (the optimization process can add some
measurements (gapfiller quadripoles) that can be rejected after acquisition (by the PROSYS II IRIS Instruments software)).
The ELECTRE Pro software allows also to import any type of sequences, manually created in ″txt″ file, in case of specific applications



FieldView is a PC software allowing to retrieve data in real time from a resistivity-meter Syscal Pro /
Elrec Pro Switch type.
This allows a real time display of the apparent resistivity pseudo-section and also a possibility in the same
time to store the data set in the PC in a file readable by the IRIS Instruments Prosys II software
So, FieldView allows to have a direct data quality control, in the field, and then, to react quickly in case of the measurements don’t match the user’s requirements.

Comsys Pro

Comsys Pro

The COMSYS Pro software is a program allowing to control a SYSCAL Pro-Switch resistivity-meter in multi-electrode mode, from a PC.
This software is especially dedicated for monitoring applications as a running step can be defined to run some sequences in an automatic way and the data are continuously transferred into the computer (so, no
memory limitation)

The main functions of the COMSYS Pro software are the following ones:
● Use any type of sequence (2D – 3D – surface/borehole)
● Modes available:
- Standard measurement
- SP (Spontaneous Polarization) measurement
- High speed (150 ms injection time) measurement
● Measurement and storage of the grounding resistance values
● Real time data (resistivity - chargeability,…) visualization
● Continuously data storage during acquisition into the computer
● Display of the estimated time remaining of the current sequence
● Graphical visualization of the current measuring quadripole
● Creation of a script for automatic sequence running (resistivity monitoring)


FullWave Viewer
FullWave Viewer software is a PC software allowing to manage resistivity and IP samples monitored by I and V-FullWaver loggers or Elrec Pro / Syscal Pro units having the FullWave option.


FullWave Designer
FullWave Designer software is a PC software allowing to design your own survey with Fullwaver systems.
Place rapidly your systems on a georeferenced map, locate your V-FullWaver electrodes and injection places. Check that the maximal investigation depth corresponds to the one of the target. Create rapidly images and schemes for your reports and export a datasheet containing all electrodes location for a quick and accurate setup by low qualified staff.

● Allow to design your survey on a grid
● Visualize electrode location on google Earth
●  Check that the location is accessible
●  Visualize report points
●  Compute report points, depths of investigation and geometric factors
●  Check that you reach your target
●  Generate a datasheet with the electrode coordinates



The SYSMAR software is an acquisition and picturing program designed to manage
resistivity surveys in continuous mode, such as in marine applications.
The resistivity-meter devoted to perform such survey is the SYSCAL Pro unit.
Thanks to its 10 reception channels, the SYSCAL Pro allows to obtain simultaneously 10 resistivity data points corresponding to 10 depth levels.
The short current injection time (150 ms) allows to record a set of 10 resistivities very quickly ; in case of a GPS/Sounder recording during the profile, the acquisition step is about 2 s.


The ProTester box can be used for the following tests:

• Pin to Pin continuity test
• Pin to Take-out continuity test
• Electrical Isolation test
• Relays test
• Self test


ProsysView Android App
ProsysView software is an Android App available on the Google Play store, allowing to edit, process and export resistivity and chargeability data of the IRIS Instruments resistivity-meters (SYSCAL) and IP receivers (ELREC).

The main functions of ProsysView are the following ones:
● Automatic or manual min / max values to display
● Display resistivity pseudo section
● Display IP chargeability pseudo section
● Display resistivity sounding
● Export selected datas



The EMSYS software is a program allowing to transfer, edit, process and export data of the IRIS Instruments PROMIS system (Frequency Domaim ElectroMagnetic system)

The main functions of the EMSYS software are  the following ones:
● Data download
● Numeric and graphic presentation (set up parameters, magnetic field components,…)
● Processing (filter on threshold values, reject some frequencies, correct the tilt…)
● Topography insertion
● Plot of the In-Phase and Out-of-Phase data in sounding / profiling / pseudo-section
● Export to various formats (″txt″, ″Ix1D V.3″ Interpex interpretation software)



The T-Vlf software is a new data transfer and visualization software to be used with the T-Vlf unit of IRIS Instruments.

The main functions of the T-Vlf software are the following ones:
• Data download and presentation
• Data filtering
• Numeric or graphic presentation
• Tilt or resistivity curve display
• Computation and display of the Fraser curve
• Export to "txt" file



Designed by IRIS INSTRUMENTS, "Prodiviner" is the data acquisition software for the Magnetic Resonance Sounding (MRS) system, called NUMIS.
The various type of system (NUMIS – NUMIS Plus – Numis Lite) can be driven by this software.

Developed under the Windows 32 bits platform, it assumes the acquisition function together with the real time display of field measurements.

During measurement, the communication with the field PC is assumed by a serial link cable (RS232-type) to connect to a communication port of the PC.


Prodiviner poly

Prodiviner is the new acquisition and visualization software designed for driving NUMIS units for Magnetic Resonance Sounding (MRS).
The design of this software makes it very practical and user-friendly for in-the-field measurements.

Main functions of the Prodiviner software:
· System configuration
· System checking before acquisition
· Data acquisition
· Real time visualization of the MRS signals
· Results export to an interpretation software


Samovar 6x7 (Free)

Anatoly Legchenko kindly pusblish this free version of the Samovar 6x7 software with it's user's guide.

It contains the linear filter computation module, the foward modeling module, the inversion module and the Hydrus converter module together with the user's guide.

The program is fully compatibles with Numis, Numis Plus, Numis Lite, Numis Poly systems developped by IRIS Instruments.


RES2DINV  ( Geotomo software )

Two-dimensional (2D) electrical imaging surveys are now widely used to map areas of moderately complex geology where conventional 1D resistivity sounding and profiling techniques are inadequate. The results from such surveys are usually plotted in the form of a pseudosection (Figure 1a) which gives an approximate but distorted picture of the subsurface geology.


RES3DINV ( Geotomo software )

In areas where the geological structures are approximately two-dimensional (2D), conventional 2D electrical imaging surveys have been successfully used. The main limitation of such surveys is probably the assumption of a 2D structure. In areas with complex structures, there is no substitute for a fully 3D survey. The arrays supported include the pole-pole, pole-dipole, inline dipole-dipole, equatorial dipole-dipole and Wenner-Schlumberger and non-conventional arrays.


ERT Lab ( Geostudi Astier )

ERTLab™ is the 3D resistivity and chargeability inversion software that has radically changed the approach to electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) surveys, allowing full flexibility in the three-dimensional arrangement of the electrodes and creating the market of resistivity surveys around buildings.


WinSev ( W-GeoSoft )

This software is designed for Schlumberger, Wenner and pole-pole spreads. The possibility of displaying several surveys simultaneously facilitates the comparison between close surveys. The displayed curves, as well as the electric model of the active survey, with altitudes of the grounds and its raw data, are printed on any printer supported by Windows® and can also be transferred as metafiles. Version 6 makes it possible to carry out electric profiles of surveys.



X2IPI allows to perform 5 main tasks with data of multielectrode measuruments:
To prepare and to modify protocols files [*.seq] files needed for multielectrode measurements with SYSCAL® equipments


IX1D ( Interpex )

IX1D v3 is a 1-D Direct Current (DC) resistivity, Induced Polarization (IP), Magnetotelluric (MT) and electromagnetic sounding inversion program


ViewLab3D ( Geostudy Astier )

ViewLab3D™ is the software that allows to integrate into a single enhanced 3D graphic environment data and models from ERT measurements with images, three-dimensional graphical objects and DXF files. These features allow to add to the view of ERT models inverted with ERTLab™ elements such as buildings, trees, roads, waterways, walls or other objects that allow a clearer orientation of the represented resistivity volumes.


FullWave Locator
FullWave Locator software is an Android App available on the Google Play store, allowing to find, edit  and store  FullWaver nodes position. This software can import, view and edit KML files created with FullWave Designer.



FieldView is a PC software allowing to retrieve data in real time from a resistivity-meter Syscal Pro /
Elrec Pro Switch type.
This allows a real time display of the apparent resistivity pseudo-section and also a possibility in the same
time to store the data set in the PC in a file readable by the IRIS Instruments Prosys II software
So, FieldView allows to have a direct data quality control, in the field, and then, to react quickly in case of the measurements don’t match the user’s requirements.

Electre Pro

Electre Pro

The ELECTRE Pro software is a program allowing to create some 2D-3D-surface/boreholes sequences of measurement for IRIS Instruments SYSCAL Pro-Switch resistivity-meters.

The ELECTRE Pro software allows to create automatically (accounting an estimated maximum investigation depth, user specified) or manually, some sequences of measurements with many possibilities:
● Use of any type of standard electrode arrays (dipole-dipole, reciprocal Schlumberger-Wenner, poledipole forward & reverse, cross diagonal pole-pole …)
● Definition of the levels of investigation with the possibility of multi-spacing configuration for data quality improvement
● Optimization of sequences for higher acquisition speed (the optimization process can add some
measurements (gapfiller quadripoles) that can be rejected after acquisition (by the PROSYS II IRIS Instruments software)).
The ELECTRE Pro software allows also to import any type of sequences, manually created in ″txt″ file, in case of specific applications

Electre Pro

Prosys III

The PROSYS III software allows to transfer, edit, process and export resistivity and chargeability data of the IRIS Instruments resistivity-meters (SYSCAL & SYSCAL TERRA) and IP receivers (ELREC & ELREC TERRA).

The main functions of the PROSYS III software are the following ones:
●  Data download
●Numeric and graphic presentation (raw parameters, resistivity, chargeability,…)
●  Processing (filter on threshold values, apply a sliding or median average, reject a node, reject the
gapfiller quadripoles, create a batch file with a specific filtering to apply to a set of files,…)
●  Topography insertion
●   Plot of the apparent resistivity and chargeability sections
● Export to various formats (″txt″, Res2dinv,…) and visualization of the exported files

Electre Pro

Prosys III

The PROSYS III software allows to transfer, edit, process and export resistivity and chargeability data of the IRIS Instruments resistivity-meters (SYSCAL & SYSCAL TERRA) and IP receivers (ELREC & ELREC TERRA).

The main functions of the PROSYS III software are the following ones:
● Data download
●Numeric and graphic presentation (raw parameters, resistivity, chargeability,…)
● Processing (filter on threshold values, apply a sliding or median average, reject a node, reject the
gapfiller quadripoles, create a batch file with a specific filtering to apply to a set of files,…)
● Topography insertion
● Plot of the apparent resistivity and chargeability sections
● Export to various formats (″txt″, Res2dinv,…) and visualization of the exported files

Electre Pro

IRIS Updater

This software allows you to automatically search for firmware update on the Syscal and Elrec Terra. If a new version is available, you can perform the update in one click

Electre Pro

Monitoring Terra

This software has been designed to prepare the monitoring scripts of the Syscal & Elrec Terra directly on your laptop. Prepare the script and sequences quietly at the office and upload all the data on a USB stick to transfer in the device.

Electre Pro

Fullwave Viewer II
Fullwave Viewer II software is a PC software allowing to visualize timeseries data coming from any of our device (FullWaver, Syscal or Elrec Pro and Syscal or Elrec Terra). Visualize, manual compute or batch compute a complete dataset with advanced algorithms to enhance your data quality.

Electre II

IRIS Instruments
1 Av. Buffon 45100 Orléans, France
Copyright © IRIS Instruments. All Rights reserved.